Saturday, October 8, 2011

Funny Trey Stories

Funny story (although disgusting and horrifying at the time)!  I gave Ethan a bath yesterday morning and Trey likes to help.  We put the tub on the kitchen table and Trey sits next to me on the chair.  He likes to play with the water but I told him no because Ethan had pooped in it everywhere.  I got Ethan out and took him in the bedroom to put his clothes on and hear Trey run to the bathroom, run back to the kitchen and then "splish-splash" sounds.  Oh no!  I rushed into the kitchen only to find him dipping his toothbrush into the gross poopy water and then brushing his teeth with it!

But we laugh about it now:-)

Another funny Trey story (have to keep record of these:-)).  Let me start by telling you that Trey had been reading (had memorized) this book about two friends who were playing with a toy and it broke and they cried "Wahahah" when it did.  Well,  shortly after Ethan was born, we were in the car driving somewhere and I was crying about something (blame it on the hormones and lack of sleep).  Anyways, from the back seat I heard Trey goes "Mama.... wahahaha" and then he laughed.  LOL, we had a good laugh over that... and yes, I did stop crying;-)

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