Sunday, January 29, 2012

Pulling My Hair Out Kind of Morning

I just about pulled my hair out at church today!  It was one of those days that started great but after a few rash decision and rushing around, it just got worse.  We haven't been taking Trey to church to keep him from getting sick, but today we did.  He was an angel!  I mean seriously, I could hardly believe this quiet, still little boy who kept whispering "I love you, Mama" into my ear the whole hour long service was mine.  Then Pj had to leave to run some work errands and I had both Trey and Ethan for the church luncheon and meeting.  Big mistake!  Big, big, big mistake.  Turns out Trey was so good because he was so tired.  And Ethan was tired too.  And there began the screaming, kicking, throwing of food, running around like crazy, talking loudly during the meeting....  And so I ended up leaving the luncheon early, not having had a chance to eat much of anything myself, with two screaming kids while the pastor was "trying" to lead the congregation meeting.  I just wanted to hold up a sign as I walked out saying, "Yes, I'm the mom who has no control of her children!"

So I got home, plopped them both in bed (Ethan took a bit longer since he was really, really tired and upset), and now I am googling ways to control your two year old with no success.  So if you ever had a 2 year old or you have a 2 year old now.... please don't judge... just help me with ideas on how I can get him to obey!  Sometimes I feel like he controls me;-)  In fact, the other day we were out and he did something he wasn't supposed to and knew it (I forget what exactly) and before I could say a word he looked at me and said, "I bad, Mama.  Timeout!!"  LOL, what do you do with that??

Thankfully, last night was a good night for Ethan.  Drum roll please.... he slept the whole entire night without a feeding!!  I don't know if this has EVER happened.  He went 9 hours!  It was amazing.  I woke up wondering if he was okay... he was.  I don't know what happened... but I hope it happens again tonight!  It would have been smart if I had gone to bed when he did at 10 last night... but I didn't get in till 1am since I was waiting up for Pj (who had to chaperone a school dance, poor guy!).  Maybe one of these days I'll have more sense!

So if you have any words of advice, any blogs, websites, books, whatever for dealing with a crazy 2 year old, feel free to send them my way!  Or, if you have a straight jacket that is toddler sized you don't need... feel free to mail it to me (that would work too);-)

All this being said, I love my boys very much... even if my hair is turning prematurely grey!

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